Monday, March 7, 2011

Tennis affirmations

1. Stay calm: Try to listen to your breathing rhythm and keep heart rate low at all times
2. Exhale while hitting a shot

1. Try to get to center of the court as much as possible using economical side steps. Stay relatively still and watch the opponent and try to predict where the shot is going. Start moving in the when you have a good idea.
2. To hit your shot make a lot of little footwork adjustments (may make some squeeky sounds) to get to the optimum hitting distance to the ball. Make sure the ball is at a position where you can get a full-bodied swing -- if you are too close you may jam/constrict your swing.
3. Step in to hit the ball.. identify short balls early and anticipate drop short all the time and get ready to sprint on a dime
4. Maintain court position close to the baseline if the court is fast and low

1. Always try to hit low to high with high rackethead speed, this helps get a lot of topspin. Racket preparation should begin as soon as you are moving to hit the shot. A powerful shot results if your take back, swing and follow through are complete, smooth and fast. 
2. When there is time to hit but ball is not short go for the heavy topspin, high margin, depth shot
3. Hit slightly in front of the body, especially the backhand

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